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Online Distance Learning Program

Online Distance Learning


The course has been designed to provide students with a sound knowledge of the Montessori Method of Education, both in theory and practice, as well as providing up-to-date research on child development and education.

The methods of evaluating these outcomes and assessing the student's performance include a combination of the following:

  • Self-assessment, individually or through study groups where possible.
  • Personal tutorial support, online or by ordinary post.
  • Course work, which includes writing essays, observations and the preparation of files.
  • A written examination.
  • A viva examination during which students demonstrate selected pieces of Montessori apparatus.

A well defined evaluation system has been prepared for markers stating clearly the criteria to be met.

The Teaching Practice is assessed separately. Supervising Teachers are assigned to each student and their objective is to support the students, make realistic assessments according to a set of criteria and give the student feedback so that the process of learning to become a Montessori teacher is continuous.

Students are supported via e-mail and through the ICME Online Distance Learning website, where all the schedules and assignments are posted.

Questions are posted on the www.montessori-icme.com web site. Essays by students are submitted and returned to students by e-mail.