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Online Distance Learning Program

Educational Aims of the
Online Distance Learning Programme


To develop a high level of professional competence in students so that they are well able to teach children from 2½ to 6 years. This competence includes a knowledge of:

  • The Montessori ideas and principles
  • Developmental psychology
  • The Montessori didactic materials
  • How to prepare and deliver a balanced curriculum
  • Management procedures and practice


On completion of the Early Childhood Programme the student will:

  • Demonstrate a knowledge of the Montessori method and know how to apply it in the classroom through the prepared environment.
  • Have an in-depth knowledge of child development and educational psychology and know how to apply this knowledge to his role as a teacher.
  • Demonstrate an ability to observe and interpret children's behaviour and, through a well-designed curriculum, know how to provide developmental activities that match his assessment of the children.
  • Know how to use appropriately all the Montessori materials designed for this age group in the areas of practical life, sensorial, mathematics, reading and writing and cultural subjects.
  • Have developed a portfolio of ideas for the creative areas of the curriculum.
  • Know how to evaluate children's individual progress, keep appropriate records and write professional reports.
  • Have a knowledge about the child's position in society and know about the laws that pertain thereto.
  • Demonstrate an awareness of community resources.
  • Demonstrate an ability to work in partnership with parents.